Tune into the Extreme Gaming Podcast this Thursday!

I'm truly looking forward to joining the guys over at the Extreme Gaming Podcast on Thursday, though I have to admit, I'm a little nervous! I've done 20 youtube videos now, so obviously I'm an expert, but I've not done anything like this before! It will be LIVE, which in itself always fills me with anxiety, but also with people I've never met.
What if I suck? What if I know absolutely nothing about the topics for that week? What if they hate me?! These are very real thoughts in my head right now!
I'm hoping some of my friends will be listening in and talking in the comments to help alleviate my stress :)
So to the folks at Extreme Gaming Podcast - i can't wait to join you for a fun evening of chat about tech, games and general whatever - but I am nervous. Throw me some soft balls please? :D
Check out last weeks podcast here - they are really very interesting and funny!